INDIGESTION FORMULA Use 1 drop each of pure essential oil of:
~ or ~ use 3 drops of one of these oils. Blend with 1 T honey. Use half of this in heated almond or coconut milk and sip after meals twice a day. Do not exceed this dose.
Use 10 drops of each of the above 3 oils, or use 30 drops of one of them.
Blend with 2 T carrier oil (like grapeseed, avocado, coconut, sesame). Use a small amount of this blend as a rub over the abdomen and ribs just once a day.

Exploring the DoTerra blends... An alternative to mixing up my own, I am happy to have their DigestZen, a mother-load of synergistic blend made up of:
Ginger Rhizome/Root, Peppermint Plant, Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed, Anise Seed, Tarragon Plant, and Fennel Seed essential oils.
• Aids in the digestion of foods*
• Soothes occasional stomach upset*
• Helps reduce bloating, gas, and occasional indigestion*
I add a drop to flat or sparkling water and enjoy it as a drink. It's not my little girls' favorite flavor but I like it! And they agree it is much better than choking down PeptoBismal-like medicines.
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As always, I'm happy to hear your feedback, talk about all-things-wellness, share ideas and give access to DoTerra or Young Living's wholesale pricing. Reach me at or comment here on this blog. Cheers!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.